Ready-to-use Blocks
Ready-to-use Templates
Take advantage of our 200 pre-built sections that can be easily imported into your pages with just one click.
Hero with left call to action from the Buddy demo.
Odd and even features section from the Buddy demo.
Right call to action with left image from the Buddy demo.
3 columns pricing tables from the Buddy demo.
Simple left call to action from the Buddy demo.
3 columns testimonials section from the Buddy demo.
Left call to action and List on the right side from the Buddy demo.
Hero section with a left call to action on the left side from the juno demo.
3 columns services section with icons and button from the juno demo.
Left call to action with button and image with info bubbles on the right side from the juno demo.
3 columns features section with icon boxes from the juno demo.
Projects section with odd and even layout from the juno demo.
Large Testiomnials section from the Juno demo.
Center call to action section from the Juno demo.
Hero section with newsletter registration form from the Fintech demo.
Left call to action section with testimonial from the Fintech demo.
Full screen testimonials section from the Fintech demo.
4 columns with icons features section from the Fintech demo.
3 columns pricing tables from the Fintech demo.
Frequently asked questions section made with accordions from the Fintech demo.
Hero section with a call to action on the left from the education demo.
Left call to action with icons and a nice image on the right side from the education demo.
Pricing tables from the education demo.
Boxed left call to action with image on the right side from education demo
Left call to action from the Designer portfolio demo.
2 columns testimonials from the designer portfolio demo.
Center call to action from the designer portfolio demo.
Hero section with a center call to action from the Agency01 demo.
Left call to action with image on the right side from Agency01 demo.
4 columns features section with icons from Agency01 demo.
Right call to action with image on the left side from the Agency01 demo.
Center testimonials carousel form Agency01 demo.
Simple center call to action section from Agency01 demo.
Full width 4 columns blog section from Agency01 demo.
3 columns services section with squared icons from Agency01 demo.
3 columns staff section from the Agency01 demo..
Contact us section from the Agency01 demo.
Testimonials and right call to action from Agency02.
Timeline Features style from Agency02 demo.
Full width tours element from the Agency02 demo.
Portfolio packery style from Agency02 demo.
Right call to action with bullet list using icons from Agency02
Partners carousel from the Agency02 demo.
3 Columns Pricing tables with images from Agency02 demo.
Blog packery style from the Agency02 demo.
Hero with left call to action from Agency03 demo.
Right call to action with a list from Agency03 demo.
3 columns portfolio packery style from Agency03 demo.
Progress bar with call to action and image on the right from Agency03 demo.
Pricing tables from Agency03 demo.
2 columns testimonials carousel with partners underneath from Agency03 demo.
3 columns blog with load more button from Agency03 demo.
4 Columns staff section from Agency03 demo.
3 Columns Icon boxes from Agency03 demo.
Hero section with left call to action from Agency04 demo.
3 columns features section with Icon paragraphs from Agency04 demo.
Left call to action with image on the right from Agency04 demo.
Full width social medias section from Agency04 demo.
Tours section from the Agency04 demo.
Progress bars section from Agency04 demo.
Count to elements from Agency04 demo.
Icon boxes features section from Agency04 demo.
Center Call to action from Agency04 demo.
4 columns packery style portfolio from Agency05 demo.
Count to section from Agency05 demo.
Simple circular progress bars from Agency05 Demo.
2 columns testimonials section from Agency05 demo.
4 Columns Pricing tables from Agency05 demo.
Right call to action with double buttons from Agency06 demo.
Accordions and progress bars from Agency06 demo.
Center testimonials carousel from Agency06 demo.
4 columns full width staff section from Agency06 demo.
Center call to action with double buttons from Agency06 demo.
Hero section with double buttons call to action from Business01 demo.
Features section with icons from Business01 demo.
Full width blog carousel from Business01 demo.
Boxed testimonials from Business01 demo.
Full width 3 columns packery portfolio from Business01 demo.
Circular progress bars section from Business01 demo.
Flip boxes with icons from Business01 demo.
Lists with icons from Business01 demo.
Center call to action with double buttons from Business01 demo.
Hero with center call to action with double buttons from Business02 demo.
4 Columns features section with big icons from Business02 demo.
Left call to action with progress bars on the right side from Business02 demo.
2 columns Testimonials section from Business02 demo.
Full width count to section from Business02 demo.
3 columns features with icons from Business02 demo.
3 columns services boxes section from Business02 demo.
3 columns pricing tables section from Business02 demo.
Dark contact form section from Business02 demo.
Small banner call to action with text on the left and button on the right side from Business02 demo.
4 columns features section with big squared icons from Business03 demo.
Full width portfolio carousel from Business03 demo.
Progress bars section from Business03 demo.
4 columns features section with icons from Business03 demo.
1 column testimonials section from Business03 demo.
Contact section from Business03 demo.
Full width section with progress bars from Creative01 demo.
Full width section with lists from Creative01 demo.
Full width Count to section from Creative01 demo.
Testimonials section from the Creative01 demo.
3 columns features setion with icons from Creative01 demo.
4 Columns Pricing tables from Creative01 demo.
Simple Center Call to action section from Creative01 demo.
3 Columns blog carousel from Creative01 demo.
Hero with left call to action from Creative02 demo.
4 columns features section with icons from Creative02 demo.
Left call to action from the Creative02 demo.
3 columns portfolio section from Creative02 demo.
Testimonials section from the Creative02 demo.
Services section with tabs on the left and icon boxes on the right side from Creative02 demo.
3 Columns pricing tables from Creative02 demo.
Full width packery blog from Creative02 demo.
Flip boxes section from Creative03 demo.
Testimonials and partners section from Creative03 demo.
Tabs and Progress bars from Creative03 demo.
3 columns staff section from Creative03 demo.
Icon list from the Creative03 demo.
2 columns icon boxes from the Creative03 demo.
Full width blog carousel from Creative03 demo.
Hero with double buttons from Creative04 demo.
Left call to action with double buttons and Progress bar on the right side from Creative04 demo.
Features section with 3 columns icons boxes from Creative04 demo.
Testimonials section from the Creative04 demo.
Center call to action with double buttons from Creative04 demo.
Left call to action section from Minimalist Agency demo.
Testimonials section from Minimalist Agency demo.
4 columns count to section from Minimalist Agency demo.
4 columns staff section from Minimalist Agency demo.
Contact section from Minimalist Agency demo.
Left call to action with icon list on the right side from Product demo.
Big left call to action with double buttons from Product demo.
Center call to action with image below it from Product demo.
Left call to action with icon boxes on the right side from Product demo.
3 columns features section with icons from Product demo.
Center call to action with parallax background from Product demo.
Full width contact section from Profile demo.
4 columns blog carousel from Profile demo.
4 columns features section with icons from Services01 demo.
Center call to action with double buttons from Services01 demo.
List with icons and image on the right side from Services01 demo.
Testimonials section from Services01 demo.
Center call to action with a single button from Services01 demo.
3 columns features section with Icon boxes from Services02 demo.
List with icons and image on the right side from Services02 demo.
4 columns pricing tables from Services02 demo.
Hero with left call to action from Showcase01 demo.
Tabs section with icons paragraph from Showcase01 demo.
Full width testimonials section from Showcase01 demo.
Left call to action with text button from Showcase01 demo.
Center call to action with double buttons from Showcase01 demo.
List with Icons and image on left side from Showcase01 demo.
Center call to action with two Transparent buttons from Showcase01 demo.
3 columns features section with icons from Showcase02 demo.
3 columns full width portfolio from Showcase02 demo.
Tabs and Progress bar section from Showcase02 demo.
4 columns count to section from Showcase02 demo.
3 columns blog carousel from Showcase02 demo.
Testimonials section from Showcase02 demo.
Contact section from Showcase02 demo.
Center call to action with video background from Showcase02 demo.
Right call to action with overflow image on the left from Showcase03 demo.
Left testimonials from Showcase03 demo.
Full width 4 columns Portfolio section from Showcase03 demo.
Full width features section from Showcase03 demo.
1 column testimonials from Showcase03 demo.
4 Columns full width Icon boxes from Showcase03 demo.
Hero section with double buttons from Flat demo.
3 Columns big features section from Flat demo.
Right call to action section with double buttons from Flat demo.
3 columns features section with icons from Flat demo.
Boxed testimonials from the Flat demo.
Full width pricing tables from Flat demo.
Left call to action with one button from Flat demo.
Right features with icons from Modern Business demo.
Center call to action with top image that overflow the row from Modern Business demo.
3 columns Icon boxes section from Modern Business demo.
Left call to action with icon list and double buttons from Modern Business demo.
Testimonials section from Modern business demo.
Portfolio odd & even style from Modern Business demo.
3 columns features with icons from Modern Business demo.
Tabs with left call to action and progress bars from Modern Business demo.
2 columns joined icon boxes from Modern Business demo.
4 Columns staff section from Modern Business demo.
Left features with icons from Modern Business demo.
1 column features / services icon boxes from Modern Business demo.
Hero with left call to action with button from Agency demo.
Full width 6 columns flip boxes section from Agency demo.
Right call to action with button from Agency demo.
4 columns packery portfolio from Agency demo.
3 columns dark features section with Icon from Agency demo.
Partners and testimonials section from Agency demo.
4 columns staff section from Agency demo.
3 columns lists with icons from Agency demo.
Center call to action with single button from Agency demo.
Hero section with double buttons from Classic Business demo.
Features section with big icons from Classic Business demo.
Left call to action with single button from Classic Business demo.
Features section with icons from Classic Business demo.
Full width count to section from Classic Business demo.
Full width section with left call to action and features with icons on the right from Classic Business demo.
Pricing table section from Classic Business demo.
Full width section with content on the left side and progress bars on the right side from Classic Business demo.
Two columns packery blog from Classic Business demo.
Right call to action with single button from Classic Business demo.
Testimonials section from Classic Business demo.
3 columns icon boxes from Classic Business demo.
Dark contact form from Classic Business demo.
Full width left call to action section from Creative Agency demo.
Full width right call to action section from Creative Agency demo.
3 columns pricing table section from Creative Agency demo.
3 columns boxed testimonials section from the Creative Agency demo.
Full width blog carousel from the Creative Agency demo.
Center call to action with single button from Creative Agency demo.
Left call to action with single button from Creative Agency demo.
3 columns circular progress bars section from Creative Agency demo.
Odd and Even call to action section from Creative Agency demo.
Contact form from Creative Agency demo.
Right call to action with a list and single button from Business demo.
4 columns features section with big icons from Business demo.
Single column testimonials from Business demo.
Progress bars and Tabs section from Business demo.
6 columns packery portfolio from Business demo.
Center call to action with single button from Business demo.
6 columns full width icon boxes features section from Business demo.
Full width 3 columns services / features section from Business demo.
Hero Slider with center call to action from Business demo.
Left call to action with single button from Business demo.
3 columns boxed testimonials section from Business demo.
Pricing tables 3 columns from Business demo.
3 columns icon boxes features section from Business demo.
Hero with boxed call to action and icons list from Architecture demo.
Right call to action with left title from Architecture demo.
4 columns features section with icons from Architecture demo.
Single testimonial section from Architecture demo.
Hero section with center call to action and single button from Architecture demo.
2 columns section with left testimonial from Architecture demo.
Hero section with center call to action and single button from Architecture demo.
Full width right call to action with single button from Architecture demo.
Full width left call to action with single button from Architecture demo.